I recently passed the 2-year mark working in public accounting since graduating without doing any co-op terms. I started work at the beginning of May 2005, so through the end of June I will have 26 months experience, less the approximately 2 months I took off last summer to attend the SOA and study andContinue reading “When will I be a CA?”
Tag Archives: Profession
re: A new auditing and accounting blog
re: The Auditors is a relatively new blog that covers the auditing profession and is written by Francine McKenna, who has some impressive work history which she details on her LinkedIn profile. I’ve added her to my Links. Some posts I’ve found particularly interesting: The Top Ten Reasons Audit Fees Will Not Go Down HeardContinue reading “re: A new auditing and accounting blog”
Canadian CA logo gets updated
At the end of May the CICA announced an updated logo to be used in all professional branding both on the national and provincial level. The new logo uses a simpler font (Gotham) than the last, but also introduces the colour element whereas the prior logo was not dependent on this: I’m not so sureContinue reading “Canadian CA logo gets updated”
Auditor, noun: an accountant with a grudge
From Lickspittle Shite-a-bed comes this very funny “history” of auditors, including this gem: Stocktaking is a strange version of foreplay perculiar to auditors. The audit pack will arrive at an industrial premises at 6am in the morning and demand to know how many widgets they have. The auditors will then spend many happy hours countingContinue reading “Auditor, noun: an accountant with a grudge”
Making business sense with Macs
In the world of business, with the notable exception of “creative” industries, IT is dominated by Microsoft Windows. Apple’s Mac enjoys niche success in art and media related circles, but hasn’t been able to crack into mainstream business use. This is not for lack of trying. Apple’s website has a section devoted to how someContinue reading “Making business sense with Macs”