Auditor, noun: an accountant with a grudge

From Lickspittle Shite-a-bed comes this very funny “history” of auditors, including this gem: Stocktaking is a strange version of foreplay perculiar to auditors. The audit pack will arrive at an industrial premises at 6am in the morning and demand to know how many widgets they have. The auditors will then spend many happy hours countingContinue reading “Auditor, noun: an accountant with a grudge”

Chuck Norris audit jokes

Sometimes when you search Technorati blog posts for the term “auditor” you get some interesting results. Highlights from a post on a MySpace blog by a guy who worked on the Enron audit with Arthur Andersen simply titled “Chuck Norris – Auditor“: Chuck Norris does not accrue for expenses. He accrues for pain. Chuck NorrisContinue reading “Chuck Norris audit jokes”

Kent Brockman’s accountant Myron

There have been scant references in the best animated comedies of our time – The Simpsons, Family Guy, South Park – to accountants. One that stands out was in the episode of The Simpsons when the April 15th tax deadline rolled around. Ned Flanders did his taxes on January 1st and mailed them out theContinue reading “Kent Brockman’s accountant Myron”