Five years of blogging… Sort of

It has been five years since my first post on Feb. 18, 2006. In a way it’s the 5-year anniversary for this blog, but I haven’t really been writing as frequently lately as I should be in order to claim that legitimately. This is my first post in 2011! So to celebrate, I’m raiding theContinue reading “Five years of blogging… Sort of”

Accounting gets a shot of adrenaline

Bill Kennedy’s getting it done at Energized Accounting, a relatively new blog hosted by Google’s Blogger that so far has been host to some inspirational posts for me. The latest is all about a favourite topic of mine, data visualization: If you want effective communications, you have to take responsibility for both the sending andContinue reading “Accounting gets a shot of adrenaline”

re: A new auditing and accounting blog

re: The Auditors is a relatively new blog that covers the auditing profession and is written by Francine McKenna, who has some impressive work history which she details on her LinkedIn profile. I’ve added her to my Links. Some posts I’ve found particularly interesting: The Top Ten Reasons Audit Fees Will Not Go Down HeardContinue reading “re: A new auditing and accounting blog”

Blogging is the new graduate school?

That’s the title of a post written by Ryan Healy for the Brazen Careerist blog. It’s an interesting concept, on that JobsintheMoney’s CareerWire blog picked up on as well: Blogging is a way to deal with the biggest problem at the beginning of one’s career: No expertise. If you offer intelligent opinions or advice onContinue reading “Blogging is the new graduate school?”

Impossible to hide

A comment by Dennis Howlett in one of his recent posts forms my inspiration: I can only ever be the judge of what I think might work in a situation where I have incomplete information. I could be completely wrong. But that’s where the blog metaphor makes such a positive difference. It is impossible toContinue reading “Impossible to hide”