Are recruiters really using the internet?

A long time ago, before I bought this domain and set up this blog, I Googled myself to see what came up. What came up, was Neil McIntyre Photography, at It’s taken about a year, but I’m now the #1 result when you Google me. Great success! On a related note, I keep readingContinue reading “Are recruiters really using the internet?”

Using blogs as marketing tools

A while back, about a day or two after passing the UFE, I was approached to write a short editorial for The Bottom Line, a finance and accounting monthly, about how and why accountants and accounting firms should blog. I sat down soon thereafter and punched out a short, authoritative screed extolling the virtues ofContinue reading “Using blogs as marketing tools”

Busy season, what is it good for?

Turns out, six things. I’ve been very busy lately at work. It’d be depressing to write a post about how crappy that is, so I’m going to write about what’s good about it: Seeing co-workers more frequently. It’s the nature of the business that I don’t see them very often, but during busy season IContinue reading “Busy season, what is it good for?”

Blogs can be important marketing tools

Originally published in The Bottom Line February 2007 print edition only. Blogs are all about having more personal and meaningful conversations with an audience about a topic. When you’re an accountant or accounting firm, blogs are a way to reach people interested in your expertise, whether they’re fellow accountants interested in discussing the profession orContinue reading “Blogs can be important marketing tools”

AccMan gets a fresh coat of paint

One of the premier accountant blogs on the web has gone through a complete redesign and looks fantastic. Dennis Howlett’s AccMan is, according to the tagline, about “innovation for professional accountants,” and the design reflects this innovation focus very well. The theme is modeled after the blog of Bartleme Design, which is one of myContinue reading “AccMan gets a fresh coat of paint”