Two types of accountants

A theory on the two types of programmers has parallels in the accounting profession: There are two “classes” of programmers in the world of software development: I’m going to call them the 20% and the 80%. The 20% folks are what many would call “alpha” programmers — the leaders, trailblazers, trendsetters, the kind of folksContinue reading “Two types of accountants”

Hedge funds looking for accountants

According to this recent post on JobsintheMoney’s CareerWire blog, hedge funds are looking for accountants and paying top dollar for them: The Rothstein Kass report, The Compensation Conundrum, makes clear that even for non-investment professionals, hedge funds pay better than both Wall Street and corporate America. For instance, senior accountants at surveyed firms earned $71,000Continue reading “Hedge funds looking for accountants”

Soaring price of oil leads to shortage of accountants

Scotland is beginning to sound a lot like Alberta: The booming oil price is fuelling an accountancy recruitment crisis in Aberdeen as other firms struggle to match the salaries being paid by the cash-rich energy companies. Multinationals such as BP, Shell and Schlumberger are taking advantage of the near-record price of a barrel to payContinue reading “Soaring price of oil leads to shortage of accountants”

Professional 2.0: beacon or buzzword?

Rick Telberg is conducting a survey of CPAs about their thoughts on the future of the profession and what they see as some challenges and issues facing professionals. He shares a few early responses in a recent post: “An increasing number of young people do not want to seriously work toward the accounting professional statusContinue reading “Professional 2.0: beacon or buzzword?”

Work-life balance: Laptops on holiday

Work-life balance is a topic that comes up frequently in the accounting profession. Robert Half, a recruiting company, surveys accountants occasionally. 38% of accountants take the office with them on holiday in the form of either a laptop or handheld computer. The research also found that 34% of accountants globally admit to working in theContinue reading “Work-life balance: Laptops on holiday”