Five years of blogging… Sort of

It has been five years since my first post on Feb. 18, 2006. In a way it’s the 5-year anniversary for this blog, but I haven’t really been writing as frequently lately as I should be in order to claim that legitimately. This is my first post in 2011! So to celebrate, I’m raiding theContinue reading “Five years of blogging… Sort of”

Accounting firms are not marketing with blogs

Law firms continue to outpace accounting firms when it comes to harnessing the power of blogs to market their services to current and potential clients. A recent post by Michelle Golden asks the question “Isn’t Your Firm Blogging Yet?” and the answer apparently is no. The post quotes this one from LexBlog founder Kevin O’Keefe,Continue reading “Accounting firms are not marketing with blogs”

Using wikis or blogs to manage knowledge in firms

A recent article on WebCPA confused and inspired me: Accounting firms need to become more intelligent businesses by better leveraging the time and knowledge of their professional staff, according to a survey… […] Firms with a formal knowledge management program benefited from its implementation. Hmm… Intelligence, good. Leveraging knowledge, check. Formal knowledge management program, bingo!Continue reading “Using wikis or blogs to manage knowledge in firms”

Google improves Analytics and now I’m in on it!

This weekend was the first long weekend of the summer here in Canada. On Fridays before long weekends at my firm we get the afternoons off, so around 1pm everyone clears out and gets an early start on the rest of the cubicle dwellers around the Greater Toronto Area. I took the opportunity to doContinue reading “Google improves Analytics and now I’m in on it!”