AccMan gets a fresh coat of paint

One of the premier accountant blogs on the web has gone through a complete redesign and looks fantastic. Dennis Howlett’s AccMan is, according to the tagline, about “innovation for professional accountants,” and the design reflects this innovation focus very well.

The theme is modeled after the blog of Bartleme Design, which is one of my personal favourite design blogs. The theme is called Fresh and appears to have the blessing of Bartleme, so that’s great. I only wish I’d found the theme before AccMan did!

Lately I’ve been thinking about changing themes for this blog, but I’ll probably stick with what I’ve got. Change for the sake of change is never a good thing, and the current design is working well for me at the moment. WordPress just makes it so easy to change the entire look and feel of your blog with the click of the mouse.

Anyway, check out AccMan, he updates mega-frequently.

4 thoughts on “AccMan gets a fresh coat of paint

  1. Neil – thanks for the kudos. The main issue I wanted to overcome was navigation. Even with widgets in sidebars, it can be pretty difficult to give readers a ‘feel’ for action on the site. If you do nothing else, it’s worth learning the ‘tabber’ scripts.

    I’ve found it means I don’t need to leave the site as often, especially when I want to find ‘new’ things. Including ‘stuff’ like and Asides also allows me to quickly and easily ‘create’ new stories. Without leaving the site.

    I won’t pretend it’s anywhere near perfect but the techniques I’ve learned will be valuable going forward.

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