I was referred to a story in the September 10th Toronto Star about the UFE by my girlfriend’s Mom. It’s about time this momentous occasion is chronicled in the most-read daily in the country: Starting Tuesday, more than 650 students will write the professional accounting exam in Toronto — more than 2,500 in Canada. I’llContinue reading “The UFE in the spotlight”
Category Archives: Profession
UFE studying winds down
The UFE is next week – beginning September 12 and running for three days. I’ve spent the last four weeks straight writing, marking and debriefing cases, sometimes at home and sometimes at a library downtown with co-workers. But really I’ve been preparing for this exam for the better part of the past year. My firmContinue reading “UFE studying winds down”
Go west! Or east, or north, or south!
One of the great things about this accounting profession I’m in is the multitude of opportunities available to travel and work abroad, given that many large firms here in Canada are international. I was just reading an article in BusinessWeek about KPMG, where the head of campus recruiting was under the impression that their internationalContinue reading “Go west! Or east, or north, or south!”
Accounting is prestigious
A recent Harris Poll has concluded that 47% of Americans see accounting as having “considerable to great” prestige, and another 40% of the population attributing “some prestige” to the profession. Although it isn’t clear whether you have to have a professional designation to be considered prestigious. Firefighters, doctors and nurses are in the lead withContinue reading “Accounting is prestigious”
Passed the School of Accountancy
The results were out this morning at 10am, and I passed! Congratulations to Krupo as well! We’re representing the CA student blogosphere well.