Using Slack in the internal audit department

I love the idea of Slack. If you haven’t heard of it before, it’s collaboration software for teams that replaces a lot of what we’re currently using email to do. It’s main features as far as I can tell are persistent chat rooms (channels), direct messaging, and file sharing with cloud integration. It would beContinue reading “Using Slack in the internal audit department”

Dueling perspectives on internal audit

A guest post by an intern in Internal Audit was recently featured on another accountant’s blog, I Want To Be A CA, and I was first alerted to it by Krupo’s post title bait. The post is not complimentary about internal audit, but the support for its thesis is so flimsy and based on purelyContinue reading “Dueling perspectives on internal audit”

Mid-tier firms offer better experience

So says this recent story on Accountancy Age, quoting a Cantos interview with the ACCA’s head of development, Tony Osude: “If you went to one of the mid-tier firms, one of the beauties about being there is you might not be paid as much necessarily, but you have much more hands on experience. You canContinue reading “Mid-tier firms offer better experience”

Go west! Or east, or north, or south!

One of the great things about this accounting profession I’m in is the multitude of opportunities available to travel and work abroad, given that many large firms here in Canada are international. I was just reading an article in BusinessWeek about KPMG, where the head of campus recruiting was under the impression that their internationalContinue reading “Go west! Or east, or north, or south!”