CFOs crave soft skills, but aren’t providing training

I caught the following tweet recently, and it reminded me of my most recent blog post on a survey that found finance people lacking in “value creation” skills: CFOs say soft skills are needed, but many aren’t offering training | (via .@CGMA) — CalCPA (@Cal_CPA) July 9, 2013 The tweet links to a storyContinue reading “CFOs crave soft skills, but aren’t providing training”

Survey says: IA feeling the squeeze

A survey conducted at the recent Institute of Internal Auditors annual conference by Protiviti has revealed that â…” of IA professionals believe their department is under-resourced and therefore unable to adequately carry out their duties. Protiviti’s take is that due to increased expectations of the assurance Internal Audit can provide on an ever-widening spectrum ofContinue reading “Survey says: IA feeling the squeeze”

Survey says: ERM implementations maturing

A survey conducted in July and August of 2009 by Aon has revealed that companies are moving beyond “basic” ERM implementations: 62% of the survey respondents in the Global Enterprise Risk Management Survey 2010 reported going beyond basic ERM, compared with only 38% in Aon’s inaugural ERM survey in 2007. I wonder what happened betweenContinue reading “Survey says: ERM implementations maturing”

EditGrid User Survey response

EditGrid, the online spreadsheet app that mimics Excel in format and functionality, sent me a survey a week ago through email. The survey sought my thoughts on the following questions: Use Cases: What are you using EditGrid for? Features: What new features do you desire the most? Usability: How can we present our features betterContinue reading “EditGrid User Survey response”

Most Chartered Accountants want interesting work above all

A recent CICA members survey has revealed what matters most to the Canadian Chartered Accountants who answer member surveys, and the August issue of CA Magazine highlights those findings: Chartered accountants want work that is interesting and challenging, but only if it leaves them enough time to have a life. Those are the results ofContinue reading “Most Chartered Accountants want interesting work above all”