BusinessDay, a South African business news website, published a recent article referencing an E&Y study involving “more than 100 industry analysts from more than 20 disciplines”: Organisations need to break out of the compliance cocoon and evolve into a fully fledged leadership role that delivers real value to the business. In the current economic climate,Continue reading “E&Y: Internal Audit should drive strategy”
Tag Archives: risk
Survey says: IA feeling the squeeze
A survey conducted at the recent Institute of Internal Auditors annual conference by Protiviti has revealed that â…” of IA professionals believe their department is under-resourced and therefore unable to adequately carry out their duties. Protiviti’s take is that due to increased expectations of the assurance Internal Audit can provide on an ever-widening spectrum ofContinue reading “Survey says: IA feeling the squeeze”
Survey says: ERM implementations maturing
A survey conducted in July and August of 2009 by Aon has revealed that companies are moving beyond “basic” ERM implementations: 62% of the survey respondents in the Global Enterprise Risk Management Survey 2010 reported going beyond basic ERM, compared with only 38% in Aon’s inaugural ERM survey in 2007. I wonder what happened betweenContinue reading “Survey says: ERM implementations maturing”
Political risk for market dominance
A recent article on the New York Times about the political costs that Google is facing due to its market dominance, and their strategy to reduce those costs, caught my interest: Google has begun this public-relations offensive because it is in the midst of a treacherous rite of passage for powerful technology companies — regulatorsContinue reading “Political risk for market dominance”
How the risk of a pandemic might affect your company
A few days ago, probably through Twitter, I found an interesting site for auditors and other risk and compliance professionals called Compliance Week. Based in Boston, they publish a monthly magazine, a weekly email newsletter, and host several blogs and forums on the web. What led me to the site was a link to aContinue reading “How the risk of a pandemic might affect your company”