This month, the IIA has been promoting May as International Internal Audit Awareness Month. I’m conflicted, because as an internal auditor, I favour people being aware that my job exists. On the other hand, it has always seemed a little silly, or maybe crass even. Another word that comes to mind is tone-deaf. Don’t weContinue reading “Are you aware of internal audit?”
Tag Archives: IIA
Top traits of an effective internal auditor
The President of the IIA shares what he sees as the top seven attributes of an effective internal auditor, and in general I agree, with a few distinctions. The most important attribute is referred to as business acumen, but the description that accompanies it has more to do with having an in-depth knowledge of theContinue reading “Top traits of an effective internal auditor”
IIA and ISACA pool resources and expertise
At the end of September the IIA and ISACA announced they had reached an agreement to “create a basis for cooperation and collaboration” between the organizations. The agreement is formalized in a Memo of Understanding that has been signed by both parties. The MoU lists a few areas where this agreement makes cooperation possible: SpeakingContinue reading “IIA and ISACA pool resources and expertise”
Survey says: IA feeling the squeeze
A survey conducted at the recent Institute of Internal Auditors annual conference by Protiviti has revealed that â…” of IA professionals believe their department is under-resourced and therefore unable to adequately carry out their duties. Protiviti’s take is that due to increased expectations of the assurance Internal Audit can provide on an ever-widening spectrum ofContinue reading “Survey says: IA feeling the squeeze”
IIA: Keep internal and external audit separate
AccountancyAge is reporting that the UK and Ireland IIA’s chief executive Ian Peters recently made a statement on the contentious issue of having external auditors provide internal audit services: Internal auditors answer to management and the non-executive directors… external audit reports to shareholders. Merging these two important functions has the potential to cause serious conflictsContinue reading “IIA: Keep internal and external audit separate”