On the heels of this recent story out of the UK about the government losing 25 million citizens’ personal data, IT security guru Bruce Schneier provides his tips on securing your laptop, especially critical for those us with client data on our drives: Longer keys increase the amount of work the defender has to doContinue reading “How Bruce Schneier secures his laptop”
Tag Archives: IT
IT audit training for me this week
This week I have a small reprieve from my duties as auditor, as I’m taking part in a training course put on by the firm at the Hilton. The training is related to the internal Information Systems specialization the firm offers, which will allow me to get more experience working with IS at clients andContinue reading “IT audit training for me this week”
Audit committees recognize IT risks should be a focus
Dan Meyer at Tick Marks has brought my attention to a KPMG survey that reports audit committees are becoming more concerned about IT risks on financial reporting. 90% believed that IT oversight deserved more time at audit committee meetings. By constrast, 80% of committee members were satisfied with audit committee oversight of management judgments andContinue reading “Audit committees recognize IT risks should be a focus”
Your business needs a Backbone
Backbone magazine is a Canadian bi-monthly focusing on business and technology issues. In their own words: Our primary focus has been on how technology enhances business processes, markets, profitability and productivity. Backbone magazine’s aim is to provide business people with a tangible tool to enhance the way they do business in Canada’s New Economy. CompareContinue reading “Your business needs a Backbone”
Cell phones become mobile
I’ve been waiting for tomorrow for a long time. The rest of the country has been waiting for tomorrow for a long time. And that time has finally arrived. Wireless number portability is now here. Canada is finally catching up with the rest of the world and unshackling phone numbers from phone companies. My numberContinue reading “Cell phones become mobile”