Cell phones become mobile

I’ve been waiting for tomorrow for a long time. The rest of the country has been waiting for tomorrow for a long time. And that time has finally arrived. Wireless number portability is now here. Canada is finally catching up with the rest of the world and unshackling phone numbers from phone companies. My numberContinue reading “Cell phones become mobile”

Toronto’s building wi-fi network downtown

It was not too long ago that I was writing about Chicago’s plans to blanket the city in wireless internet and wondering when Toronto would follow suit. Well apparently, it won’t be long: Mayor David Miller will join Toronto Hydro executives on Tuesday to officially announce the initiative, which will be the largest of itsContinue reading “Toronto’s building wi-fi network downtown”

Wireless internet theft affects us all

A story in the New York Times about your friendly neighborhood wireless thieves. I have to admit I’m guilty of this when I’m not at home, but it pretty much does serve you right if you don’t secure your network. Maybe municipal wi-fi will cut down on this “phenomenon”… Edit: If only Twitter were inventedContinue reading “Wireless internet theft affects us all”