Love tax theory, hate tax application

Tax is a subject that is near and dear to my heart, but not because I occasionally fill out a tax return. Tax theory is fascinating and relevant stuff, but I won’t ask you to take my word for it. I think the reason why I like tax theory but hate applying tax law, isContinue reading “Love tax theory, hate tax application”

Abolish the property tax rant

Not mine, but that of historian John Steele Gordon (via Tax Foundation): In the 18th century, real property was probably the best measure available of a person’s ability to pay taxes. That’s because it generated income from farming or things like water mills, ship yards and stores. Only the very rich had residences on townContinue reading “Abolish the property tax rant”

Buffett donates fortune to charity, is accused of avoiding estate tax

A few days ago, super-investor Warren Buffett announced he would be donating the majority of his considerable assets to Bill Gates’ Foundation, and he’s been rightly commended in the media for his generosity. But for some reason, the ordinarily smart-minded folks at the Tax Policy Foundation have a bone to pick with Buffett over hisContinue reading “Buffett donates fortune to charity, is accused of avoiding estate tax”

Bank of Canada chief pushes smarter provincial sales tax

David Dodge, the governor of the Bank of Canada and the current architect of our monetary policy, suggested the province of Ontario should revamp the provincial sales tax (PST) to more closely resemble the value-added federal GST in a rare appearance before the Commons industry committee. The suggestion is a solid one, as it wouldContinue reading “Bank of Canada chief pushes smarter provincial sales tax”

Broad base and low rates = recipe for tax fairness

The Tax Foundation‘s Tax Policy Blog has an interesting post concerning a report produced by something called the (US) Congressional Research Service. The report investigates the possibility of a flat tax in simplifying the tax code and concludes that the existence of a progressive system isn’t what is making things complicated at all. I’ve alreadyContinue reading “Broad base and low rates = recipe for tax fairness”