A focus group study by the Federal government has highlighted the common belief amongst urban Canadians that Toronto’s subway is the most likely target for terror in this country. And the inventor of pointing out the obvious rests comfortably in his or her grave. “For many, Toronto’s size, international profile and economic and financial importanceContinue reading “Toronto’s subway a likely terrorist target”
Tag Archives: Toronto
Nortel’s revenue recognition wrinkles
Om Malik, writer at Business 2.0 and power blogger, has posted his thoughts on the Nortel announcement from a couple days ago that they would have to restate their earnings again. His reaction is one of incredulity that Nortel, “a big NYSE company,” could actually not be able to get their accounting straightened out afterContinue reading “Nortel’s revenue recognition wrinkles”
Toronto’s building wi-fi network downtown
It was not too long ago that I was writing about Chicago’s plans to blanket the city in wireless internet and wondering when Toronto would follow suit. Well apparently, it won’t be long: Mayor David Miller will join Toronto Hydro executives on Tuesday to officially announce the initiative, which will be the largest of itsContinue reading “Toronto’s building wi-fi network downtown”
Immigration is key
John Ibbitson makes the argument in today’s Globe and Mail that one of the key issues the Conservatives need to address during their time running the country is immigration. No official announcement has been made yet regarding their policy on the number of immigrants per year, but unofficially it looks like the numbers will remainContinue reading “Immigration is key”
Chicago to build 600km² Wi-Fi network
Chicago plans to build a huge wi-fi network, following in the path of other US cities like Philadelphia and San Francisco. The purpose is to offer “broad and affordable” access and heighten Chicago’s appeal for businesses and tourists. It would be great if they put something like this in Toronto because then I could takeContinue reading “Chicago to build 600km² Wi-Fi network”