The UFE in the spotlight

I was referred to a story in the September 10th Toronto Star about the UFE by my girlfriend’s Mom. It’s about time this momentous occasion is chronicled in the most-read daily in the country: Starting Tuesday, more than 650 students will write the professional accounting exam in Toronto — more than 2,500 in Canada. I’llContinue reading “The UFE in the spotlight”

Toronto becoming more expensive to live

Not through any direct experience of my own, although my landlord did take the opportunity to raise my rent the maximum allowable by law a month ago, but the city has been moving up the ranks of the most expensive on the planet. Toronto of course ranks first in Canada as the most expensive placeContinue reading “Toronto becoming more expensive to live”

Mapping out my clients after a year in public practice

I have been playing around with Windows Live Local lately, Microsoft’s competition for Google Maps. I decided to map all the clients where I’ve been in the last year with my firm. For the blue ones I just had to search for the business name, but the red ones represent clients that I had toContinue reading “Mapping out my clients after a year in public practice”

Building and rebuilding in the GTA

The Toronto Star has two stories on their front page today about development in Toronto and the surrounding area worth noting. The West Don Lands development is a community being built over derelict industrial buildings east of downtown. And Vaughan’s proposed corporate centre and downtown is an idea that is seeing the light of dayContinue reading “Building and rebuilding in the GTA”