Working the phones for audit purposes

Inc. published a short article on “working the phone” yesterday that touched on a number of things that anyone should take to heart if their job involves talking to people on the phone, which is to say, pretty much all office workers that do work. This is one of the bigger differences between my previousContinue reading “Working the phones for audit purposes”

The case for digitized perm files

Having lugged around three thick files representing the full permanent file for an audit client for the past few weeks, I’ve come to the conclusion that my firm needs to consider digitizing these things. Perm files for accountants consist of client documents that carry forward year to year. For example, engagement letters are good forContinue reading “The case for digitized perm files”

That quaint value pricing fad

It’s all the rage these days on accounting blogs – value-based pricing. You’ll see it everywhere, hip accountants (Who’s a hipper accountant than one who blogs? One who blogs about value pricing!) posting missives decrying the historical basis of hourly billing and extolling the virtues of pricing based on value. What value pricing means toContinue reading “That quaint value pricing fad”