BDO Seidman using SugarCRM to manage office network

Kind of old news (it’s from January last year) but BDO Seidman has implemented commercial open source software to manage their nationwide network of member firms. Open source software is software whose underlying source code is openly available and is usually licensed under the GNU GPL. What I like about open source is that theContinue reading “BDO Seidman using SugarCRM to manage office network”

Audit committees recognize IT risks should be a focus

Dan Meyer at Tick Marks has brought my attention to a KPMG survey that reports audit committees are becoming more concerned about IT risks on financial reporting. 90% believed that IT oversight deserved more time at audit committee meetings. By constrast, 80% of committee members were satisfied with audit committee oversight of management judgments andContinue reading “Audit committees recognize IT risks should be a focus”

Income trust foreign takeovers may be a good thing

There’s been a lot of activity lately on the income trust front. Foreign firms are making bids left and right to acquire the Canadian entities, in the wake of the 31.5% trust tax introduced by the Conservative government. Jack Mintz, a professor at Rotman, the business school at the University of Toronto, discusses in aContinue reading “Income trust foreign takeovers may be a good thing”

Shared office space can preserve scarce cash

Smart cash flow management is critical to any business, but especially so for startups. Leasing the building, furnishing it, maintaining it, equipping it with phone and computer systems and networks… These are significant costs that startups would do well to avoid for as long as possible. So it was with great interest that I readContinue reading “Shared office space can preserve scarce cash”

The case for digitized perm files

Having lugged around three thick files representing the full permanent file for an audit client for the past few weeks, I’ve come to the conclusion that my firm needs to consider digitizing these things. Perm files for accountants consist of client documents that carry forward year to year. For example, engagement letters are good forContinue reading “The case for digitized perm files”