Canada’s CAs have announced guidance for a key metric of income trusts, that of distributable cash. The term ‘distributable cash’ generally refers to the cash that an income trust could potentially distribute to unit holders. Investors use this information when assessing the entity’s ability to fund future distributions and to help value their investments. ButContinue reading “Income trusts get distributable cash standard”
Tag Archives: income trust
Income trust foreign takeovers may be a good thing
There’s been a lot of activity lately on the income trust front. Foreign firms are making bids left and right to acquire the Canadian entities, in the wake of the 31.5% trust tax introduced by the Conservative government. Jack Mintz, a professor at Rotman, the business school at the University of Toronto, discusses in aContinue reading “Income trust foreign takeovers may be a good thing”
Accounting news roundup
Congress wants financial reporting simplified for easier understandability. I can’t honestly say their desire for more regular updates on what the industry is doing to modernize itself is a bad thing, however. Seems like a good prod for the stiff collars at the helm. Here in Canada, there are rumors the federal government may tieContinue reading “Accounting news roundup”
‘Tis the season for giving links
Dan Meyers of Tick Marks is caught up in the spirit of giving in his own way – he’s revisiting his special 12 Blogs of Christmas from last year around this time and giving us all a refresher on the more memorable posts from the accounting blogosphere from the year nearly ended. Since my blogContinue reading “‘Tis the season for giving links”
Income trust standards (or lack thereof) and risk
So everyone and their grandpa is still upset about the recent change to income trusts introduced by the Canadian federal government. The change was, of course, to implement a tax on trust income similar to corporate income tax. The outrage epicentre is Bay Street, Canada’s version of Wall Street, in the heart of the financialContinue reading “Income trust standards (or lack thereof) and risk”