New York magazine has a feature on the offices of prominent New Yorkers, from Martha Stewart to Michael Bloomberg. Martha’s was devoid of anything remotely resembling work, which perhaps indicates how much of it she gets done. (No word on where the insider trading occurred.) But it was Bloomberg’s that really impressed me, because heContinue reading “Office atmosphere should be frenetic, fluid”
Tag Archives: government
City budget indecipherable to ordinary citizens
Toronto released their budget this week and other than the usual tax hikes for property owners, this interesting post on Eye Daily about the gibberish and jargon of a city budget. It lists the specialized terms the budget contains to describe its expenditures and revenues, and the list is incomprehensible, even to me, a soon-to-beContinue reading “City budget indecipherable to ordinary citizens”
Accounting news roundup
Congress wants financial reporting simplified for easier understandability. I can’t honestly say their desire for more regular updates on what the industry is doing to modernize itself is a bad thing, however. Seems like a good prod for the stiff collars at the helm. Here in Canada, there are rumors the federal government may tieContinue reading “Accounting news roundup”
The Sarbitch is back
The Accounting Observer has invented a new term: Sarbitching. I love it!
An alternative view of Khodorkovsky and Yukos
At least one person is defending Putin’s actions against Yukos and its former president, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, but it was this that caught my eye (emphasis mine): Russian oligarchs were taking control of the entire Russian economy. These people had a strangle hold on every aspect of Russia and were basically out of reach of theContinue reading “An alternative view of Khodorkovsky and Yukos”