I’ve been waiting for tomorrow for a long time. The rest of the country has been waiting for tomorrow for a long time. And that time has finally arrived. Wireless number portability is now here. Canada is finally catching up with the rest of the world and unshackling phone numbers from phone companies. My numberContinue reading “Cell phones become mobile”
Category Archives: Technology
Making business sense with Macs
In the world of business, with the notable exception of “creative” industries, IT is dominated by Microsoft Windows. Apple’s Mac enjoys niche success in art and media related circles, but hasn’t been able to crack into mainstream business use. This is not for lack of trying. Apple’s website has a section devoted to how someContinue reading “Making business sense with Macs”
IT departments are not leading innovation in firms
An article in The Economist’s December 23, 2006 holiday double issue caught my attention. It reported on how Arizona State University was converting their email system over to use Google’s free hosted service, under the “Google Apps for your Domain” offering that I blogged about back in August last year. I’m still using the serviceContinue reading “IT departments are not leading innovation in firms”
The case for digitized perm files
Having lugged around three thick files representing the full permanent file for an audit client for the past few weeks, I’ve come to the conclusion that my firm needs to consider digitizing these things. Perm files for accountants consist of client documents that carry forward year to year. For example, engagement letters are good forContinue reading “The case for digitized perm files”
Vista not even out yet but still pirated
Microsoft’s upcoming operating system, the successor to XP, isn’t out yet but it has still managed to be cracked (in a sense). Vista will be out Jan. 30, 2007 to consumers, earlier for Microsoft’s preferred big business clients. With Windows Vista only just going “gold” … the first cracked versions have already hit the pirateContinue reading “Vista not even out yet but still pirated”