Economist claims accountant obsolescence

An esteemed Princeton economist has predicted that accountants, lawyers and other highly educated and highly paid workers in the developed world will be made obsolete in the near future by lower cost alternatives in the developing world. From the best accountants and lawyers to the smartest derivatives traders to teachers and lecturers, many of today’sContinue reading “Economist claims accountant obsolescence”

Auditor, noun: an accountant with a grudge

From Lickspittle Shite-a-bed comes this very funny “history” of auditors, including this gem: Stocktaking is a strange version of foreplay perculiar to auditors. The audit pack will arrive at an industrial premises at 6am in the morning and demand to know how many widgets they have. The auditors will then spend many happy hours countingContinue reading “Auditor, noun: an accountant with a grudge”

Update on public company auditing in Canada

There’s some interesting Canadian audit industry data in the March 2007 CA Magazine. In an earlier post I revealed my ignorance when it comes to public company auditing in Canada. I was incredulous that the small, one-office accounting firm could attract large, public company audits, simply because the perception in industry is that only aContinue reading “Update on public company auditing in Canada”

CA Convocation an evening of celebration

Last night the annual CA Convocation and “Dinner Dance” was held at the Westin Harbour Castle downtown Toronto. Good times were had by all, except that I think made an ass of myself on more than one occasion. That’s what drinking nothing but scotch and wine will do to you I guess! Lots of funContinue reading “CA Convocation an evening of celebration”

Busy season, what is it good for?

Turns out, six things. I’ve been very busy lately at work. It’d be depressing to write a post about how crappy that is, so I’m going to write about what’s good about it: Seeing co-workers more frequently. It’s the nature of the business that I don’t see them very often, but during busy season IContinue reading “Busy season, what is it good for?”