I’m knee-deep into my third year working as an auditor, and that means I’ve nearly met my experience requirements to call myself a CA. By my calculations I’ll qualify somewhere around January. Over those 2+ years I’ve gained valuable experience working with clients in many different industries. The opportunity to learn is literally limitless, andContinue reading “The best place to launch a career”
Category Archives: Profession
Annual review a chance to look forward and back
I had my annual performance review Friday afternoon. I knew what to expect, because it’s basically the aggregation of each job review we get throughout the year. Job reviews are a solid lead indicator for the annual appraisal. Reviewer comments are cited and my performance is compared to expectations. It also afforded me the opportunityContinue reading “Annual review a chance to look forward and back”
Back from Punta Cana
Wow, it’s been a while! I can’t say as I’ve missed this thing since I last posted about two weeks ago; I have been in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, enjoying a much deserved vacation. Best of all, I was able to use a travel voucher that BDO gave me for passing the UFE last yearContinue reading “Back from Punta Cana”
Most Chartered Accountants want interesting work above all
A recent CICA members survey has revealed what matters most to the Canadian Chartered Accountants who answer member surveys, and the August issue of CA Magazine highlights those findings: Chartered accountants want work that is interesting and challenging, but only if it leaves them enough time to have a life. Those are the results ofContinue reading “Most Chartered Accountants want interesting work above all”
Mid-tier firms offer better experience
So says this recent story on Accountancy Age, quoting a Cantos interview with the ACCA’s head of development, Tony Osude: “If you went to one of the mid-tier firms, one of the beauties about being there is you might not be paid as much necessarily, but you have much more hands on experience. You canContinue reading “Mid-tier firms offer better experience”