Traditional partnership model being tossed aside

The way most professional services firms are organized is the partnership, which more often than not is based on the premise that the people who bring in the most business earn the biggest cut of the take. Some firms have begun to question the wisdom of this model, and are moving to an organization thatContinue reading “Traditional partnership model being tossed aside”

Bring in specialists to build niche practices

An interesting article in WebCPA talks about how some small firms are building niche practices by bringing in “Champions” from the outside: Someone with an established reputation and contacts who can hit the ground running and jump-start the program in a new organization. Going outside the firm has many advantages: Target growth areas to focusContinue reading “Bring in specialists to build niche practices”

Variety and experience at mid-size firms

I’m going to have a fast-paced week again. This week I’m working on two clients from jobs that have wrapped up field work and two clients whose field work has yet to begin. On the two post field work jobs, I’ll be auditing the consolidation of several large private companies and clearing review notes andContinue reading “Variety and experience at mid-size firms”

Professional 2.0: beacon or buzzword?

Rick Telberg is conducting a survey of CPAs about their thoughts on the future of the profession and what they see as some challenges and issues facing professionals. He shares a few early responses in a recent post: “An increasing number of young people do not want to seriously work toward the accounting professional statusContinue reading “Professional 2.0: beacon or buzzword?”

Google’s 20% time at accounting firms?

It’s well known that Google encourages their employees to spend roughly equal to one day per week pursuing personal projects, or about 20% of their time at work. The results of this unique policy are numerous and successful: Gmail, Google Suggest, Google News, AdSense and Orkut. What would happen if an accounting firm allowed theirContinue reading “Google’s 20% time at accounting firms?”