Slow down for better ethics

Interesting tidbit (and relevant for internal audit) from an article in the latest Economist on how taking time to make decisions results in getting the ethics right: Slowing down makes us more ethical. When confronted with a clear choice between right and wrong, people are five times more likely to do the right thing ifContinue reading “Slow down for better ethics”

Mystery payments at Canadian construction company

This is interesting: An internal review at Canadian construction company SNC-Lavalin of certain payments approved by the CEO has resulted in that executive’s departure from the company. The payments in question were approved directly by the CEO after the CFO rejected them. Documentation was apparently sketchy, as the review revealed that the projects they wereContinue reading “Mystery payments at Canadian construction company”

E&Y: Internal Audit should drive strategy

BusinessDay, a South African business news website, published a recent article referencing an E&Y study involving “more than 100 industry analysts from more than 20 disciplines”: Organisations need to break out of the compliance cocoon and evolve into a fully fledged leadership role that delivers real value to the business. In the current economic climate,Continue reading “E&Y: Internal Audit should drive strategy”

Ethics enhanced by clean smells

I wonder if this is something businesses (including accounting firms) might want to look into: A study at Brigham Young University has found that people are “unconsciously fairer and more generous” in clean-smelling environments. The research found a dramatic improvement in ethical behavior with just a few spritzes of citrus-scented Windex. The researchers see implicationsContinue reading “Ethics enhanced by clean smells”

Interview for a job, get paid

A blog I follow, JobsintheMoney’s CareerWire, has drawn my attention to a very interesting site, especially for in-demand professionals such as accountants. The site is called NotchUp and allows employers to pay to interview job candidates who otherwise wouldn’t be looking for a new job. Associated Press has the lowdown: How it works: You plugContinue reading “Interview for a job, get paid”