Yesterday I was visiting my parents back home on the farm and enjoying a lazy Saturday afternoon away from the big city. In exchange for some really great ice cream, my Mom asked me for some tax advice related to the lifetime $500,000 capital gains exemption. Long story short, she was under the impression sheContinue reading “6 quick facts about the capital gains exemption in Canada”
Author Archives: Neil
Twitter for accounting professionals?
Dennis wrote a post a few days ago about Twitter within “a business context” entitled “The pain of disruption“: I want to DO something with Twitter. The more I think about what Twitter might deliver, the more scary it becomes. Twitter challenges my ingrained notions of how services and value are delivered. In case youContinue reading “Twitter for accounting professionals?”
Financial statements as high-tech, informative entertainment
I have often wondered whether the traditional method of providing audited financial statements to clients is really serving them as well as we could be. We print them up on nice thick paper with the firm’s letterhead and spiral bound the package with a tasteful, understated title page, followed by our solemn audit report. IsContinue reading “Financial statements as high-tech, informative entertainment”
7 quick facts about the new financial instruments standard
The Canadian Accounting Standards Board (AcSB) has finalized some new sections of the Handbook which include guidance on accounting for financial instruments. Financial instruments include investments, hedges, derivatives, and loans and receivables. The Canadian standard attempts to harmonize our GAAP in a way with FASB Statement 133, “Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities,” andContinue reading “7 quick facts about the new financial instruments standard”
Google improves Analytics and now I’m in on it!
This weekend was the first long weekend of the summer here in Canada. On Fridays before long weekends at my firm we get the afternoons off, so around 1pm everyone clears out and gets an early start on the rest of the cubicle dwellers around the Greater Toronto Area. I took the opportunity to doContinue reading “Google improves Analytics and now I’m in on it!”