Recently, the findings from an investigation by the Toronto Star into charities have been released in the paper and they are not good for many charities, primarily MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) Canada. The Star found that the charity spends only about 19 cents for every donor dollar on programs designed to help victims ofContinue reading “MADD situation shows charities have many stakeholders”
Tag Archives: audit
Shell and reporting sustainability
This piece in the Globe and Mail was interesting: Shell was early with “sustainability reporting†(their first annual sustainability report was published in 1998). They currently have a goal to have their (self-reported) greenhouse gas emissions 5 per cent below 1990 levels by 2010, similar to the Kyoto Protocols. The story was about Shell’s CEOContinue reading “Shell and reporting sustainability”
Sharpening the axe in auditing
A post today at VeraSage provided a perfect metaphor for audit planning: Once upon a time, there were two lumberjacks who challenged each other to see which one could cut down more trees in a day. At daybreak, the first one began furiously chopping down trees. He worked up a sweat and by noon heContinue reading “Sharpening the axe in auditing”
The [professional services] sky is falling!
If you’re into this sort of thing, you have probably noticed that about 95% of accounting related blogs are focused on the impending death of professional services firms, because of course all PS firms have lost the plot and have ceased to be useful to business. I can’t even link to all of the accountingContinue reading “The [professional services] sky is falling!”
List of links to pages with lists of links to accounting blogs
Recently it feels like there has been a sudden discovery of accounting blogs: More Accounting Blogs from Golden Practices’ Michelle Golden Dynamic Linking from Chris Silvey’s Accounting for a Detoured Economist Time to Add These to Your Bookmarks People from The Anonymous Accountant Link list updated from Krupo’s A Counting School There are links toContinue reading “List of links to pages with lists of links to accounting blogs”