A focus group study by the Federal government has highlighted the common belief amongst urban Canadians that Toronto’s subway is the most likely target for terror in this country. And the inventor of pointing out the obvious rests comfortably in his or her grave. “For many, Toronto’s size, international profile and economic and financial importanceContinue reading “Toronto’s subway a likely terrorist target”
Author Archives: Neil
Google’s foray into web storage
Google’s Analyst Day in February 2006 presented some PowerPoint slides touching on some future plans for storage: With infinite storage, we can house all user files, including: emails, web history, pictures, bookmarks, etc and make it accessible from anywhere (any device, any platform, etc). We already have efforts in this direction in terms of GDrive,Continue reading “Google’s foray into web storage”
Nortel’s revenue recognition wrinkles
Om Malik, writer at Business 2.0 and power blogger, has posted his thoughts on the Nortel announcement from a couple days ago that they would have to restate their earnings again. His reaction is one of incredulity that Nortel, “a big NYSE company,” could actually not be able to get their accounting straightened out afterContinue reading “Nortel’s revenue recognition wrinkles”
Corporate intranets and their effects on productivity
A post by Jeffrey Veen talks about the typical corporate IT department and how it influences (negatively) external and internet web projects. The thrust of the post is that a centralized corporate IT department consists primarily of “technologists [more] accustomed to controlling resources and managing services” than user-centered design and the user experience. I canContinue reading “Corporate intranets and their effects on productivity”
Revenue recognition and Nortel
Nortel Networks Corp. once again will have to restate its financial results to fix accounting mistakes, the company said on Friday as it posted a fourth-quarter loss of $2.2 billion. Their chief executive maintains that the revenue was just recognized in incorrect periods, from 2002 through 2005. Revenue recognition is definitely a touchy subject theseContinue reading “Revenue recognition and Nortel”