Congratulations from my Member of Parliament

When you pass the UFE, your partners, managers and co-workers line up to congratulate you on your success. In my case, fellow bloggers joined in the chorus. On top of all this, your Member of Parliament sends you a certificate like the one pictured here. It’s nice to keep getting things that can be framed,Continue reading “Congratulations from my Member of Parliament”

Exxon Mobil’s profits and taxes: both records

Exxon Mobil announced recently the highest annual profits by a US corporation in history. Reaction was predictable – the US Congress was littered with outraged politicians calling for a windfall profits tax. But that would be wrong, and the Tax Foundation can explain why much better than I: While they were recording record profits lastContinue reading “Exxon Mobil’s profits and taxes: both records”

Canadian audit overseer reports problems and solutions

The Canadian audit oversight body, the Canadian Public Accountability Board, announced Friday that last year they deregistered a small firm in Vancouver (which has since gone out of business) and prevented three other small firms from accepting new client due to deficiencies in their audits discovered upon inspection. My initial thought was, these small firmsContinue reading “Canadian audit overseer reports problems and solutions”

TransitCamp set to improve the TTC

A group of Toronto bloggers are getting together this weekend for the TTC TransitCamp to brainstorm ways to improve the TTC’s absolutely horrid website. When I first heard about it a few days ago, my first impulse was to try to get involved. Then I realized, there are probably many more Torontonians with much moreContinue reading “TransitCamp set to improve the TTC”

Blogs can be important marketing tools

Originally published in The Bottom Line February 2007 print edition only. Blogs are all about having more personal and meaningful conversations with an audience about a topic. When you’re an accountant or accounting firm, blogs are a way to reach people interested in your expertise, whether they’re fellow accountants interested in discussing the profession orContinue reading “Blogs can be important marketing tools”