Turns out, six things. I’ve been very busy lately at work. It’d be depressing to write a post about how crappy that is, so I’m going to write about what’s good about it: Seeing co-workers more frequently. It’s the nature of the business that I don’t see them very often, but during busy season IContinue reading “Busy season, what is it good for?”
Author Archives: Neil
UFE buddy for everyone
I got a mass email about a week ago from the person in my firm who runs the UFE prep program for our UFE writers. She wanted to know if any of the recipients, who were passers of the exam in recent years, would be willing to be a “UFE Buddy” to a 2007 writer.Continue reading “UFE buddy for everyone”
IT departments are not leading innovation in firms
An article in The Economist’s December 23, 2006 holiday double issue caught my attention. It reported on how Arizona State University was converting their email system over to use Google’s free hosted service, under the “Google Apps for your Domain” offering that I blogged about back in August last year. I’m still using the serviceContinue reading “IT departments are not leading innovation in firms”
The Web is no longer linking information: it’s linking people
(Via AccMan.)
Apple’s “select” listing on the Nasdaq in jeopardy
Apple has informed investors that due to the ongoing investigation into their options backdating problems, they may be removed from the Nasdaq‘s special “Global Select Market.” How select, you may ask? Well, a mere 1/3 of companies listed on the Nasdaq are privileged enough to make the cut. Wait, was that a typo? One-third ofContinue reading “Apple’s “select” listing on the Nasdaq in jeopardy”