It was announced on Friday that the number five and six accounting firms in Canada, Grant Thornton LLP and BDO Dunwoody LLP, have entered into discussions on the possibility of merging. The firms are both members of their international networks, Grant Thornton International and BDO International. If merged, the combined firm would take the nameContinue reading “BDO and Grant Thornton in Canada discuss merger”
Author Archives: Neil
Office atmosphere should be frenetic, fluid
New York magazine has a feature on the offices of prominent New Yorkers, from Martha Stewart to Michael Bloomberg. Martha’s was devoid of anything remotely resembling work, which perhaps indicates how much of it she gets done. (No word on where the insider trading occurred.) But it was Bloomberg’s that really impressed me, because heContinue reading “Office atmosphere should be frenetic, fluid”
Income trust foreign takeovers may be a good thing
There’s been a lot of activity lately on the income trust front. Foreign firms are making bids left and right to acquire the Canadian entities, in the wake of the 31.5% trust tax introduced by the Conservative government. Jack Mintz, a professor at Rotman, the business school at the University of Toronto, discusses in aContinue reading “Income trust foreign takeovers may be a good thing”
Scots tout principles in the Big Apple
The Scotsman: The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland will tell high-powered US financiers at a conference in New York that individual judgment should play a bigger role than strict adherence to a rule book. Ah, this old classic. Once again the rules-based US system is coming under attack by external sources, this time fromContinue reading “Scots tout principles in the Big Apple”
Impossible to hide
A comment by Dennis Howlett in one of his recent posts forms my inspiration: I can only ever be the judge of what I think might work in a situation where I have incomplete information. I could be completely wrong. But that’s where the blog metaphor makes such a positive difference. It is impossible toContinue reading “Impossible to hide”