So much for mobile, accessible capital for growing Canadian businesses… Alberta Premier Ed Stelmach poured cold water yesterday on federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty’s push for a nationwide securities regulator, saying he has no interest in moving beyond an alternative system provinces have set up. He said he’s content to stick with the “passport system”Continue reading “Alberta kiboshes plan for single Canadian securities regulator”
Author Archives: Neil
Facebook vs. LinkedIn for accounting professionals
Which nascent social network does it better for work-related connections? Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them. LinkedIn is an online network of experienced professionals from around the world, representing 130 industries. By their own definitions, these two utilities target slightly different typesContinue reading “Facebook vs. LinkedIn for accounting professionals”
Spring has sprung for Canadian accountants
May 1 is a special day for Canadians of all types (since it’s the day after taxes are due here), but it’s very special for accountants who’ve spent the past few months first up to their necks in audits (there are many businesses that operate on a calendar year end) and followed that up withContinue reading “Spring has sprung for Canadian accountants”
Bizarre taxes to put our situation into perspective
We like to complain (and for good reason) about the litany of taxes imposed on us by various levels of government, but this post on Neatorama details some bizarre taxes through history that make current ones seem tame. Peter the Great, czar of Russia, imposed a tax on souls in 1718…meaning everybody had to payContinue reading “Bizarre taxes to put our situation into perspective”
Are recruiters really using the internet?
A long time ago, before I bought this domain and set up this blog, I Googled myself to see what came up. What came up, was Neil McIntyre Photography, at It’s taken about a year, but I’m now the #1 result when you Google me. Great success! On a related note, I keep readingContinue reading “Are recruiters really using the internet?”