What is the length of the ideal blog post?

Modern Life Is Rubbish is a cool blog written by Stuart Brown that seems to feature a never-ending flow of posts on topics of interest to bloggers and technophiles alike. The latest is titled “How Long is the Ideal Blog Post?” and details some interesting and no doubt time-consuming research the blogger did into blogContinue reading “What is the length of the ideal blog post?”

The power of unique names in the age of Google

The Wall Street Journal has published an article recently titled “You’re a Nobody Unless Your Name Googles Well” that’s been making the rounds on various popular blogs. Reminds me of what I found when I Googled myself a short while ago. I took a screen shot of it and put it on my Flickr. InContinue reading “The power of unique names in the age of Google”

UFE Report is out… Finally!

The UFE Report for the 2006 test is finally available on the ICAO website. It’s been many months, since November 24th when the results came out, but it’s here! I would link to it or provide it for download, but it’s behind the paywall that only members can access so I have a feeling IContinue reading “UFE Report is out… Finally!”

Experts weigh in on interest deductibility issue

The Globe and Mail, a Canadian daily, has a feature on their website today where three tax experts from Couzin Taylor LLP and Ernst & Young LLP answer questions from readers about the interest deductibility “feature” of the Federal government’s budget. I’ve blogged about this complicated topic a couple of times now but never reallyContinue reading “Experts weigh in on interest deductibility issue”

Your business needs a Backbone

Backbone magazine is a Canadian bi-monthly focusing on business and technology issues. In their own words: Our primary focus has been on how technology enhances business processes, markets, profitability and productivity. Backbone magazine’s aim is to provide business people with a tangible tool to enhance the way they do business in Canada’s New Economy. CompareContinue reading “Your business needs a Backbone”