According to this recent post on JobsintheMoney’s CareerWire blog, hedge funds are looking for accountants and paying top dollar for them: The Rothstein Kass report, The Compensation Conundrum, makes clear that even for non-investment professionals, hedge funds pay better than both Wall Street and corporate America. For instance, senior accountants at surveyed firms earned $71,000Continue reading “Hedge funds looking for accountants”
Author Archives: Neil
Grant Thornton UK swallows Robson Rhodes whole
Grant Thornton in the UK merged earlier in the year with RSM Robson Rhodes, making it “a leading player in the mid-market and the provider of non-audit services to one in four of the FTSE 100,” according to GT’s chief Michael Cleary. The board of the merged entity makes the transaction look more like anContinue reading “Grant Thornton UK swallows Robson Rhodes whole”
SEC delays Sarbanes-Oxley requirements for small businesses
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has provided small businesses another 1-year delay to comply with Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404 requirements. Section 404 is the part of Sarbox that requires management to attest to the effectiveness of internal controls over financial reporting. “This will help ease the burden on small firms and help encourage more smallContinue reading “SEC delays Sarbanes-Oxley requirements for small businesses”
Ten principles of sound tax policy
The Tax Foundation’s Ten principles of sound tax policy are a must-read for those influencing tax policy. I think the list can be further refined down to about half that, but maybe they wanted to get an even ten. For instance, maintaining the neutrality of the system (#2) will result in broad bases (#3). It’sContinue reading “Ten principles of sound tax policy”
BDO chooses blogging partner to head up international network
Jeremy Newman of BDO Stoy Hayward in the UK is a trailblazer as a managing partner who blogs regularly, primarily about the audit market in the UK. He’s recently won the job to be BDO International’s new CEO starting in October 2008. Jeremy has been emphatic about getting the message out about audit choice andContinue reading “BDO chooses blogging partner to head up international network”