Grant Thornton UK swallows Robson Rhodes whole

Grant Thornton in the UK merged earlier in the year with RSM Robson Rhodes, making it “a leading player in the mid-market and the provider of non-audit services to one in four of the FTSE 100,” according to GT’s chief Michael Cleary. The board of the merged entity makes the transaction look more like anContinue reading “Grant Thornton UK swallows Robson Rhodes whole”

BDO chooses blogging partner to head up international network

Jeremy Newman of BDO Stoy Hayward in the UK is a trailblazer as a managing partner who blogs regularly, primarily about the audit market in the UK. He’s recently won the job to be BDO International’s new CEO starting in October 2008. Jeremy has been emphatic about getting the message out about audit choice andContinue reading “BDO chooses blogging partner to head up international network”

Estate tax as income tax

I just finished reading an article recommended by Richard about the estate tax, titled “Death and taxes“. It appears in New Statesman, a UK magazine “created in 1913 with the aim of permeating the educated and influential classes with socialist ideas.” I’m glad I read the article in full before reading the magazine’s history, asContinue reading “Estate tax as income tax”

Banning Facebook sends the wrong message

Jeremy Newman, the Managing Director of BDO Stoy Hayward in the UK, provides real leadership and an inspiration across the pond to me and no doubt others who read about his management style and philosophy. He writes about workplaces banning Facebook, which is very popular right now here in Toronto among employers. I am notContinue reading “Banning Facebook sends the wrong message”

Audit choice and competition in UK and G8

Jeremy Newman of BDO Stoy Hayward, highlights a key finding of the British Oxera Report on Audit Choice and Competition: According to the report by Oxera on Competition and Choice published in April 2006 more than 70% of FTSE 100 companies had not held a competitive tender for the last 15 years. The incidence ofContinue reading “Audit choice and competition in UK and G8”