Love tax theory, hate tax application

Tax is a subject that is near and dear to my heart, but not because I occasionally fill out a tax return. Tax theory is fascinating and relevant stuff, but I won’t ask you to take my word for it. I think the reason why I like tax theory but hate applying tax law, isContinue reading “Love tax theory, hate tax application”

Microsoft invites Firefox developers to test for Vista

Microsoft has invited the Firefox guys up to Redmond to test Firefox and Thunderbird on Vista to ensure compatibility. The move isn’t entirely unexpected, after all, Firefox has been steadily eating into Internet Explorer’s market share ever since it was released. It isn’t a wholly benevolent move, however. Microsoft is making sure all the bigContinue reading “Microsoft invites Firefox developers to test for Vista”

Microsoft splurges on more Microsoft stock

We’ve all been wondering just what Microsoft was going to do with that massive reserve of cash it’s been sitting on for years, not unlike a corporate Smaug. Turns out, they’re buying some shares in themselves. It isn’t news that Microsoft is buying back some of their shares, but what is news is that theyContinue reading “Microsoft splurges on more Microsoft stock”

Casual Fridays become Casual Weekdays

What qualifies as acceptable attire in the workplace has been changing ever since the advent of Casual Fridays. Friday has become every day of the week, and there’s a growing backlash against the slackening of dress codes. Tie Tuesdays are beginning to crop up. A couple days ago I blogged about going to client’s, whichContinue reading “Casual Fridays become Casual Weekdays”

Engagement letter update

Before accountants can get down to the business of providing service to clients, we have to issue what’s known in the biz as an “engagement letter.” Contrary to what I’d initially thought, this doesn’t tie me down to any one person for the rest of my life, for better or worse, in good times andContinue reading “Engagement letter update”