UFE study materials available

I received an email recently from a US CPA who is moving to Canada and hopes to write the UFE this year. She asked me if I knew where she could find relevant study materials for it. Densmore immediately came to mind, since I’d taken the course last summer and it served me exceedingly well.Continue reading “UFE study materials available”

The exam is over, time to study

Ever finish an exam and then decide to study? Me neither, until the UFE came along. Don’t get me wrong, I studied (hard) before writing the exam too. I wrote every case from the past three years’ UFEs, and some more after that. But now I want to study the ones from the 2006 UFE.Continue reading “The exam is over, time to study”

Back to work after passing the UFE

It was my first day back to work today after passing the UFE on Friday, and I have to say it was pretty much like last Thursday. New client, but one I was at last year around this time. I can’t say as I felt more competent than last week, although inside I felt moreContinue reading “Back to work after passing the UFE”