One of the big reasons for merging Canada’s accounting professions is the global competition nipping at their (our?) heels. One such challenger, as highlighted in the current CA Magazine, is the Chartered Global Management Accountant certification, a product of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA). CueContinue reading “AICPA, CIMA stakes claim to a global management accounting certification”
Tag Archives: CA
Thoughts on the proposed accounting profession merger
The country’s professional accounting bodies regulating the use of Chartered Accountant, Certified Management Accountant and Certified General Accountant designations are currently deep into merger talks, as you might have heard. This affects me, of course, but I have a very pliable opinion on the merits of this path. Ultimately I’ve earned the CA designation byContinue reading “Thoughts on the proposed accounting profession merger”
Five years of blogging… Sort of
It has been five years since my first post on Feb. 18, 2006. In a way it’s the 5-year anniversary for this blog, but I haven’t really been writing as frequently lately as I should be in order to claim that legitimately. This is my first post in 2011! So to celebrate, I’m raiding theContinue reading “Five years of blogging… Sort of”
CA ad campaign: Decisions Matter
Got an email last week about an update to the Decisions Matter ad campaign the CICA has been running for the designation: The Decisions Matter ad campaign is aimed at shifting the traditional perception of the CA designation and promoting CAs as business leaders and key decision-makers in every organization. The campaign is very differentContinue reading “CA ad campaign: Decisions Matter”
Thanks for the memories
Dear readers, It is with great reluctance that I announce the closing of this blog. As of this Friday, May 9, 2008, I will leave public accounting to pursue new opportunities in the wide world of industry in internal audit. I have met a lot of great people within the profession through this blog andContinue reading “Thanks for the memories”