In the world of business, with the notable exception of “creative” industries, IT is dominated by Microsoft Windows. Apple’s Mac enjoys niche success in art and media related circles, but hasn’t been able to crack into mainstream business use. This is not for lack of trying. Apple’s website has a section devoted to how someContinue reading “Making business sense with Macs”
Tag Archives: Apple
Apple’s “select” listing on the Nasdaq in jeopardy
Apple has informed investors that due to the ongoing investigation into their options backdating problems, they may be removed from the Nasdaq‘s special “Global Select Market.” How select, you may ask? Well, a mere 1/3 of companies listed on the Nasdaq are privileged enough to make the cut. Wait, was that a typo? One-third ofContinue reading “Apple’s “select” listing on the Nasdaq in jeopardy”
New Jersey legislates tax on iTunes downloads
New Jersey residents have been hit by their government with a 7% tax on iTunes downloads (as well as other music download services such as Napster) this past week. The sales tax overall was raised from 6 to 7% in order to help the state fight their $4.5-billion deficit. Many are speculating that other statesContinue reading “New Jersey legislates tax on iTunes downloads”
Apple brings in new director: Google’s CEO
It has been announced recently that Dr. Eric Schmidt, currently the CEO of Google, is joining Apple’s Board of Directors. Boards are responsible for overseeing management, protecting shareholder interests and overall strategy. The move has been hailed as a signal of future partnership between Google and Apple in their joint fights against Microsoft. I haveContinue reading “Apple brings in new director: Google’s CEO”