Although they’re possibly (likely?) completely unrelated, the recent announcement in the UK that Grant Thornton would merge with RSM Robson Rhodes comes hot on the heels of the announcement in Canada that BDO Dunwoody and Grant Thornton here would enter into discussions on the possibility of merging. The partners of Grant Thornton UK LLP andContinue reading “Grant Thornton UK merges with RSM Robson Rhodes”
Category Archives: Auditing
BDO and Grant Thornton in Canada discuss merger
It was announced on Friday that the number five and six accounting firms in Canada, Grant Thornton LLP and BDO Dunwoody LLP, have entered into discussions on the possibility of merging. The firms are both members of their international networks, Grant Thornton International and BDO International. If merged, the combined firm would take the nameContinue reading “BDO and Grant Thornton in Canada discuss merger”
Canadian audit overseer reports problems and solutions
The Canadian audit oversight body, the Canadian Public Accountability Board, announced Friday that last year they deregistered a small firm in Vancouver (which has since gone out of business) and prevented three other small firms from accepting new client due to deficiencies in their audits discovered upon inspection. My initial thought was, these small firmsContinue reading “Canadian audit overseer reports problems and solutions”
UN auditors will examine North Korean program
I love hearing about unique jobs that could be open to me in the future, and this is one such job. The United Nations has a Board of Auditors that audits UN programs and reports along similar lines to a regular financial statement audit. The Board consists of three members from UN countries, rotating oneContinue reading “UN auditors will examine North Korean program”
FIN 48, auditor confidentiality, and increasing the minimum wage
Since the last one went so well, and since there have been many posts this week on my fellow accountant blogs that I’d like to highlight, here’s another quick round-up of three interesting nuggets: Dan Meyer of Tick Marks talks about a new standard in the US called FIN 48, which requires companies making assumptionsContinue reading “FIN 48, auditor confidentiality, and increasing the minimum wage”