Unorthodox management style is paying off for Semco

Semco is a Brazilian company that has recently taken digg by storm and is making waves amongst more real world folks too. The company is turning pretty much everything we know about how to run a business organization upside down, and getting great results doing just that.

The long and short of it:

  • Employees set their own working hours and choose their salaries and the leader they want to work under
  • All meetings are voluntary and open to everyone
  • Employees hire their own bosses, rate them twice a year and the ratings are published
  • Employees can take early retirement, meaning they get one day a week off in return for working one day a week after they retire

The company’s CEO has set happiness as job #1 for the company – not profits. Employees are treated like adults and are trusted to make responsible decisions. It’s a really cool way to run a company, and it definitely sounds like somewhere I’d like to work.

I think the accounting industry should take a closer look at the way this company operates, especially given how few and far between good CAs are in today’s market.

2 thoughts on “Unorthodox management style is paying off for Semco

  1. Soooo not the point, Krupo. ;) But you can see the link in my follow-up post to their website if you want to try to find out! lol

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