This weekend was the first long weekend of the summer here in Canada. On Fridays before long weekends at my firm we get the afternoons off, so around 1pm everyone clears out and gets an early start on the rest of the cubicle dwellers around the Greater Toronto Area. I took the opportunity to doContinue reading “Google improves Analytics and now I’m in on it!”
Tag Archives: Toronto
City budget indecipherable to ordinary citizens
Toronto released their budget this week and other than the usual tax hikes for property owners, this interesting post on Eye Daily about the gibberish and jargon of a city budget. It lists the specialized terms the budget contains to describe its expenditures and revenues, and the list is incomprehensible, even to me, a soon-to-beContinue reading “City budget indecipherable to ordinary citizens”
CA Convocation an evening of celebration
Last night the annual CA Convocation and “Dinner Dance” was held at the Westin Harbour Castle downtown Toronto. Good times were had by all, except that I think made an ass of myself on more than one occasion. That’s what drinking nothing but scotch and wine will do to you I guess! Lots of funContinue reading “CA Convocation an evening of celebration”
TransitCamp set to improve the TTC
A group of Toronto bloggers are getting together this weekend for the TTC TransitCamp to brainstorm ways to improve the TTC’s absolutely horrid website. When I first heard about it a few days ago, my first impulse was to try to get involved. Then I realized, there are probably many more Torontonians with much moreContinue reading “TransitCamp set to improve the TTC”
Income trust standards (or lack thereof) and risk
So everyone and their grandpa is still upset about the recent change to income trusts introduced by the Canadian federal government. The change was, of course, to implement a tax on trust income similar to corporate income tax. The outrage epicentre is Bay Street, Canada’s version of Wall Street, in the heart of the financialContinue reading “Income trust standards (or lack thereof) and risk”