The best place to launch a career

I’m knee-deep into my third year working as an auditor, and that means I’ve nearly met my experience requirements to call myself a CA. By my calculations I’ll qualify somewhere around January. Over those 2+ years I’ve gained valuable experience working with clients in many different industries. The opportunity to learn is literally limitless, andContinue reading “The best place to launch a career”

Firm using Facebook to recruit in Toronto

I’ve grown a bit tired of Facebook lately. I think it’s because what originally was a torrent of friend additions has gradually slowed to a trickle. (I meet lots of new people through my job but I doubt they want the auditor on their Facebook!) It seems I’m not the only one who is questioningContinue reading “Firm using Facebook to recruit in Toronto”

Are recruiters really using the internet?

A long time ago, before I bought this domain and set up this blog, I Googled myself to see what came up. What came up, was Neil McIntyre Photography, at It’s taken about a year, but I’m now the #1 result when you Google me. Great success! On a related note, I keep readingContinue reading “Are recruiters really using the internet?”

Quit today, get hired back tomorrow

A recent story by the AP highlighted an interesting byproduct of the CA shortage – employees who leave their job at accounting firms are being actively recruited back to rejoin their former firm. Seems employers have realized that more often than not in the accounting business employees leave to explore different career options but leaveContinue reading “Quit today, get hired back tomorrow”