The School of Accountancy came to an end this afternoon when I finished writing the final exam. The results come out on July 21. If I passed, I’ll take the majority of August and September off work to study for the Uniform Final Exam (UFE) in September. If I didn’t pass, I’ll just work andContinue reading “School of Accountancy comes to an end”
Category Archives: Profession
School of Accountancy through July 4
Posting may be infrequent over the next few weeks as I focus on the School of Accountancy, which started yesterday and doesn’t end until July 4. It’s being held at York University‘s Keele Campus in North York (Toronto). It consists of classes every day, two practice exams this Friday and the following Friday, and theContinue reading “School of Accountancy through July 4”
Immigration is key
John Ibbitson makes the argument in today’s Globe and Mail that one of the key issues the Conservatives need to address during their time running the country is immigration. No official announcement has been made yet regarding their policy on the number of immigrants per year, but unofficially it looks like the numbers will remainContinue reading “Immigration is key”