Posting may be infrequent over the next few weeks as I focus on the School of Accountancy, which started yesterday and doesn’t end until July 4. It’s being held at York University‘s Keele Campus in North York (Toronto).
It consists of classes every day, two practice exams this Friday and the following Friday, and the final exam at the end. I’m not the only blogger who’s there either!
The School of Accountancy curriculum provides for the development and enhancement of required CA competencies through integration and application of technical knowledge. It is also fundamental to the development of pervasive CA qualities (ethical behavior, personal attributes, professional perspective and judgment) and specific CA competencies required for the UFE and the practice of public accounting.
Case studies addressing professional-level competencies and reflecting real business scenarios, likely to be encountered in practice, are used extensively. Students experience a significant amount of work in small groups, including presentations, throughout the three-week period – there are no lectures at the School of Accountancy.
So far there have been minimal presentations. They’ve been limited to just sharing the results of small group discussions, and haven’t required standing up in front of the class. My seminar leaders may be going easy on us though, it may be different in other seminars.
There are around 1,100 CA students here, and we’re broken up into groups of about 30 for seminars, and small groups of 5 within the seminars for group work on the cases.
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