Busy season comes to an end!

I celebrated the end of accountants’ busy season last night with our firm’s annual “tax party”, which was held at a local watering hole and we had an entire section reserved for us. Free drinks and free food, it was a heck of a night. Great way to celebrate a job well done from January through April.

Taxes are due this Monday because April 30 of course falls on a Sunday this year. I’ve had mine done for a few weeks now, waiting on a big refund due to all my carried forward education and tuition tax credits. I need the influx to pay for all the unpaid time off I’ll be taking this summer to study for the dreaded UFE!

Congratulations to my fellow Canadian accountant bloggers and all the accountants out there for making it through!

3 thoughts on “Busy season comes to an end!

  1. Congrats on, well, surviving! :)

    I have to admit, busy season ended earlier for me because I wasn’t working on tax – my involvement in that was limited to working on the “Free CA Tax Clinics” last month. It was really rewarding and interesting.

    Lately I’ve been experiencing a weird mix of being busy and yet being fully occupied. Among other things, starting to practice case-writing is conspiring to eat up progressively more time.

  2. So are you headed to the School of Accountancy this June? I am. Getting a little nervous about it, I hear it’s kind of competitive, and I’m really too laid back to be competitive.

  3. Yeah, I’ll no doubt see you there. No reason to be nervous about it, though – the only thing that matters is passing the End of School Exam. :)

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