BDO Seidman using SugarCRM to manage office network

Kind of old news (it’s from January last year) but BDO Seidman has implemented commercial open source software to manage their nationwide network of member firms. Open source software is software whose underlying source code is openly available and is usually licensed under the GNU GPL. What I like about open source is that theContinue reading “BDO Seidman using SugarCRM to manage office network”

Audit committees recognize IT risks should be a focus

Dan Meyer at Tick Marks has brought my attention to a KPMG survey that reports audit committees are becoming more concerned about IT risks on financial reporting. 90% believed that IT oversight deserved more time at audit committee meetings. By constrast, 80% of committee members were satisfied with audit committee oversight of management judgments andContinue reading “Audit committees recognize IT risks should be a focus”

Reflections on the week just past

This past week has been an interesting one. I’m at a client for the third year now. This is the first time that’s happened, which makes sense since I just began the third year of work after graduating. Some reflections on the milestone: The first year I was green. I had about a week ofContinue reading “Reflections on the week just past”

When will I be a CA?

I recently passed the 2-year mark working in public accounting since graduating without doing any co-op terms. I started work at the beginning of May 2005, so through the end of June I will have 26 months experience, less the approximately 2 months I took off last summer to attend the SOA and study andContinue reading “When will I be a CA?”

Weekend reading

Small Is Essential At 37signals, a company with just eight employees whose Web-based collaboration software is used by thousands of small businesses, there isn’t time to sit around a conference room sipping latte and deconstructing memos. Come to think of it, there isn’t even a company conference room. There are just a couple of cubicles,Continue reading “Weekend reading”