Internal audit. The name leaves something to be desired, in my opinion, and unless you’re familiar with IA, it could be a bit confusing. It also creates this false dichotomy with external audit that really doesn’t exist. Within the IA context, the audit of financial statements is supplemental and focused on only one risk: reportingContinue reading “Renaming internal audit to better represent its stature”
Tag Archives: ERM
Survey says: ERM implementations maturing
A survey conducted in July and August of 2009 by Aon has revealed that companies are moving beyond “basic” ERM implementations: 62% of the survey respondents in the Global Enterprise Risk Management Survey 2010 reported going beyond basic ERM, compared with only 38% in Aon’s inaugural ERM survey in 2007. I wonder what happened betweenContinue reading “Survey says: ERM implementations maturing”