New York magazine has a feature on the offices of prominent New Yorkers, from Martha Stewart to Michael Bloomberg. Martha’s was devoid of anything remotely resembling work, which perhaps indicates how much of it she gets done. (No word on where the insider trading occurred.) But it was Bloomberg’s that really impressed me, because heContinue reading “Office atmosphere should be frenetic, fluid”
Category Archives: Business
Shared office space can preserve scarce cash
Smart cash flow management is critical to any business, but especially so for startups. Leasing the building, furnishing it, maintaining it, equipping it with phone and computer systems and networks… These are significant costs that startups would do well to avoid for as long as possible. So it was with great interest that I readContinue reading “Shared office space can preserve scarce cash”
An alternative view of Khodorkovsky and Yukos
At least one person is defending Putin’s actions against Yukos and its former president, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, but it was this that caught my eye (emphasis mine): Russian oligarchs were taking control of the entire Russian economy. These people had a strangle hold on every aspect of Russia and were basically out of reach of theContinue reading “An alternative view of Khodorkovsky and Yukos”
The other upside to income trusts
I wrote a post about BCE converting from a corporation to an income trust a couple days ago that set off a veritable firestorm of comments from a few readers. It quickly became the most commented on post here, which is pretty cool. So with that in mind I jumped at the chance to blogContinue reading “The other upside to income trusts”
MBA vs. CA – which is better?
Here’s an interesting article that discusses why an MBA is better than a CA. The article is from India but I think a lot of it is transferrable to Canada. Not that I agree with the author in any way – in fact, she is completely and utterly wrong in every available aspect. Her mainContinue reading “MBA vs. CA – which is better?”